5:19 PM Saturday, December 27, 2008
ahh~ finally posting..hahatoday 2pm went to take schloraship..yay..good good..>.<nowadays i veri de lazy..dun wanna post..haizDec 13 bleach 3rd movie comes out..woohoo..Fade to Black, Sayonara Rukia..can't wait..lolbut hav to wait abt a year for it to be uploaded in internet bah..suppose to be..[dunno if people give me de info. correct anot]then Skip Beat is gonna be make into a live drama..!!!totally disspointed with the choices of the cast..haizno choice..>.<dunno y? tw always like to choose jap manga and turn them into live drama..smth it turns out good like ISWAK..etcsmth it turns out not as good..haiz..dunno wat to say...sobso hav to wait for thei perfomance lor..
12:34 PM Thursday, December 25, 2008
haha..XDMerry Christmas Everyone..!!!!yar..so went to most of the blog to tagged..=]and quite sometime no update blog le..haiz..dead le lolso yep..yesterday x'mas eve went frenzs hse celebrate..okay okay bah..i at there shy so nv realli interact wif her..==''but there the food good..XDgot de turkey thingy de ham..then cuz me & parents late go but lucky late go also got good things happen...so went there eat sushi lor..haiz..until abt almost 12 midnight then go home..>.<
5:00 PM Friday, December 19, 2008
haiz...a change of plan..lesoo noo goin gym..==''also good la..cuz gym liao..sweat then smelly smelly..lolsso me and brenda go lot 1 hav lunch together..yaythis is our 2nd turn of havin Subway..[student meal][btw..ps wor for being late..]after lunch we were like walking aimlessly...no plan to go where...[next time must plan before come out le]so at first go lot 1 cinema..cuz sianso watch movie lor..but oni got 4choices which did not appeal any of us..sooooo super sianthen we go causeway point hoping there de cinema got more shows..XDthen go there regret...alot of people plus the show brenda wan don hav...so i say watch 'Bolt'..but from 2++~5++.....soo noo lor..there lingering around..here walk walk..there walk walk..then veri funny...brenda wan go try sun glasses....lolat there playing..woo~then nth to do..go back lot 1 again...MY GOD...keep goin and comin leg also pain...>.<then go the acarde..there..see people play we also try....in the end no nth to rmb today lor..sad..haiz......>.<
12:30 PM Thursday, December 18, 2008
The person who tag you is : Jing yi Your relationship with her/him is : to me she is my best frenz..XDD Your 5 impression of him/her is: shy/innocent/cute/pretty/intersting The most memorable thing she did for you is: a lot leh..she done lots of things for me.. If she becomes your lover, you will ? haha..dunno leh ! :D Th thing she needs to improve on is? Nth actually...i like her the way she is..XDD If she becomes your enemy, you will? OMG.. i must be dreaming.. What do you want to tell her now? u're someone who is irreplaceble in my life..XD How do you think overall people will think about you? crazy...un-approachable.. stubborn What do you hate about yourself? stubborn attitude... Say something to th person who has done something about you. thks so much for all the things u hav done for me...XDD If is bad thing : u're so goin to be sorry..=='' yep~i cut the part where i sabo people...cuz veri sian..don wanna sabor le..XD
12:24 PM
haiz..very long no post liao le..
cuz super sian lol...
keep havin cold..but now much more better..==''
except i keep sneeze ..then don noe why got red eye..
few days back..got red eye..then okay..now got again..then okay again....sian~
tmr goin out wif brenddy..yay..XD
we go gym ...finally go out..[i'm a moutain tortise]ps if wrong spelling..
so yep..i hav updated my blog..fianlly...
2:03 PM Wednesday, December 10, 2008
tired ar~this whole week all got things to do..==''mon-help mom with worktues-accompany her to polyclinic for checkupwed-workthrus-accompany grandma to tan tock seng hosp. checkupfri-worksat-help outsun-go out..so very tired to post reguarly...loltoday soo sian..the weather also very hot wor..=[go collect book oni got one POA..sad..
8:57 PM Monday, December 8, 2008
today soo cold~...yay cold is nice ...lolvery good to sleep..hahawent to clementi to eat le then go home and sleep..Zzzzso today consit mostly of sleeping..oink oink..
3:16 PM Saturday, December 6, 2008
yay today is a happy day~Happy Birthday Daddy..XDhaha..wish you everyday also happy..lolyep..so wif mommy go bpp buy cake for daddy..=]so preparing lor..
3:09 PM
Tagged by: Asyiqin..XD1. Who is the last one who text you?- MIao yu2. What did he/she text you?- "icic..lol''3. Who is the one who text you a very meaningful message?- idk4. What did he/she text you?- Dunno leh5. Who is the last one you text to?- miao yu6. What did you text to him/her?- cuz now not many nice anime left le..lol7. How many messages in your inbox?- 70++8. How many messages in your sent messages?- dunno wor..delate all le9. Do you save up meaningful messages?- should hav..==''10. Who is the last one who gave you a call?- forgot le11. What is the hottest topic during the whole conversation?- do u think i can still rmb..12. Who is the last one you gave a call to?- mommy..?!13. What is the hottest topic during the whole conversation?- no hottest topic..tats my mom we are talking abt..==''Pass this to 5 people:1. N2. o3. o4. o5. !!!
2:52 PM Friday, December 5, 2008
yay..todae went to cck stadium gym workout and play...XDfinally go out wif frenzs to play veri happy..=]then we play until abt 11.30am bah..go cck eat..ps to u guys if i don seem to wan to try the equipment...==''cuz i not tat enthusiatic like u guys haha..then we went to subway for lunch..lolits my first time to there brenddy also..so we follow hui xuan & chantelle they'all order...veri exp. lor..next time dun wan eat le..so hx & c they all go back sch lib to finish up things while me and brenddy walk walk..then go the barney live on stage at cck...lolwe 2 busy~ing takin photos..hahalater if got time then post the pics..now goin to rest..legs are sore..>.<
2:41 PM Thursday, December 4, 2008
hmm..today wake up quite ok..10amthen hav to pry ....==''hav to accompany daddy see doctor..cuz his leg swollen...haiz poor thing..nvm it'll be okay dethen actaully wan go woodlands causeway point de..but in the end raining then sian no go..>.<so online chat wif frenzs lor...then yong jing say y nv mention his name soo long le in my blog...==''Sooo~ harlo yong jing..see ur name wor... XD
happy???? of cuz u're..XDtats ur line i stole from..XDlol..jkjk nia..lol
12:37 PM Tuesday, December 2, 2008
arhhh...veri tired sia..==''got a headache this mornin..lolthen 12++..brenddy call me..she soo ke lian lor..always those very troublesome things land on her..>.<nvm bah.. i tried to help her if can..XDdoes anyone who are super free ..then can chat one in msn..xDi realli sian at home until goin to die..==''no matter how worst the situation may be,we still hav to move on,there still a tommorow ahead of us,so why not move with a smile.
2:16 PM Monday, December 1, 2008
Yesterday...was the worst day..==''afternoon was already at a bad mood...then late evening this certain'person' go say certain things andpiss me off..>.<super angry..go to my room then take my plushie and scold the person...ps..if i seem to be insane..cuz i'm..i use my plushie and vent my anger..==''then face like black as thunder..==''cuz this person somehow related to me ..so my parents noe who 'she' is...then they tiam tiam..let me say wat i wan..cuz even them also noe its 'her' wrong..XDhaiz...TODAY...:sian..wake up early and go buy my next yr books from sch bookshop...lollike half of the booklist book all don hav like tat..geo,poa,sci all this don hav take...==''haiz..waste time...XD