11:15 PM Friday, October 31, 2008
lol..use a new posts for the Quiz..==''
thks a lots brenda..*sacrastic*
haiz..oh well
RULE #1 People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.RULE #2 Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending it to other people.
tagged by: Brenda..brenddy(:
1. Do you have secrets?
yep..some dark secrets..==''
2. Would you fall in love with a girl/guy younger than you?
if its a girl of cos not..but a guy..hmm see bah..XDD
3. Do you enjoy going to school?
YEAH! because there have my beloved friends(:
4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
to give my parents to spend..
5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
hehex, i think i fallen in love with my bff..as in frenzs love..XDD
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
To be loved ..XDD
7. List out your 15 favourite songs: 7 Things
Get Over
Gotta Find u
Honto no Jibun
I believe
I could not ask for more
I gotta go my own way
I stay in love
I wanted u
Life is like a boat
little wonders
love song
and many many more..
8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
try to stay a dist. from him..==''
9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
when my parents are happy..i'm happy
10. What makes you angry?
When la la-chan yelled at me
11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
I should be more mature than now soo childish bah..hope so
12. Who is currently the most important people to you?
13. What is the most important thing in life?
My Parents and frenzs
14. Single or attached? With who?
Single with me..=]
15. What is your favourite colour?
sky blue,black and white
16. Would you give all in a relationship?
ehh..nt sure,,depends..==''
17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
see the situation first lor..==''
18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
must see the situation..is the damaged big..
19. What do you want to tell the someone you like?
i like u..XDD
20. 6 person tagged by me.
Chloe :D
Karen :D
Pei wen :D
Vanessa :D
hui tian.. :D
8:14 PM
yipee..today the last day of stock check..XDDfinally..!!! haha..been waiting 4 this day comin!!plus today is HALLOWEEN...too bad jing yi can't celebrate here but instead at Japan..==''ohh well...spooky halloween to all of you..XDDthe sky today is beautiful..XD..b'cuz i'm in a good mood?!?haha..lol..jap course last lesson..sad..nvm lor..practice with my mom..hehe
hehe..is the sky in japan more captivating?!?!...i'm soo looking foward to see the pics..XDD
8:07 PM Thursday, October 30, 2008
again..today sian lo..cause still go lib..
although thought mayb pon...
in the end still go..haiz
don noe why nah.....if people don go..the stock check will be delayed..==''
lol...then..go bpp eat..mac.
then when goin to take lrt go back to lrt...
still hav to walk back to bpp again and buy chicken rice..lol
legs r like soo suan..soo
then go 4 jap course..awww..sad..last 2nd lesson liao..
soo fast..then sian lor..dun feel like saying the long story..==''
sometimes when you are kept in the dark,
its better than to know truth,
at least you can live happily,
rather than live in sadness & agony..==''
ps..this is nt a personal exp from me..
wahhh...the sky veri nice leh..haha..ok-oklah..the colour quite good..XD
this sky is taken on the thrus..haiz..*moaning*..==''
8:14 PM Wednesday, October 29, 2008
haiz..sian.....today was a total pain in the jenny..=[whole day do rough jobs...hav to carry books and others........sian..legs are soo tiring tat feel like pon...haha..today is wed..so i got take the sky..lol
paisei..the sky i everytime take at late evening..==''
cause everytime lib let us go at abt 6-6.30pm...haiz..end..
8:36 PM Tuesday, October 28, 2008
haiz..sian again..!!!
everyday go lib do boring stuff..==''
to me is ok-ok but when it is everyday..i kinda get pissed off..>.<
anyway..2 day i skip my jap course..haiz..sad lo
cause lib is in dire states plus someone dun wan to accompanyme..soo
lol..i think i not fated to go eat at fast food places lo..
everytime smth bad or weird happan to me...
i go kfc eat..i got pester by a girl who i don noe and still robbed my french fries
i go pizza hut eat..my last slice of pizza got on to the floor...
thks to someone who push me..cause my hands to accidentally unbalance...==''
lol..haiz...nth to do to change ...
lol..then go take some photos..although mostly delate...
nyhhaha...i post le..the only pic i preserved..XDD
haiz..hui xuan & brenda soo early go..pang sei me..
soo sad lor..oh well..==''
and i got take today's sky..although i'm not a pro photograher..
but still this is wat the sky looks like while those who go Japan miss..==''
haiz..still moaning abt it..==''
9:37 AM Monday, October 27, 2008
lol...today sian lor...nth to do..
some of my usual msn talkative frenzs are in japan rite this moment...==''
miss them siaz....still day-dreaming .....
anyway..later will edit this post..so stay tuned for the next ep..lol..haha
haiz...sian go eat western food then later hav a tiff with parents over trivial stuff..
dun even wan to take abt it..==''
sian..the day they r flying to japan...
wahhhh...soo super sad lo...
i also wanna go..
haiz..but also my fault 'cuz i also get to go.. but i rejected the offer..
b'cuz of my silly fears.. of not havin parents around me..no secure feeelings...
soo when abt 7pm++ there emo-ing lo...
keep looking up the sky....wishing i could go..lol..i'm being lame
but i really did wish i could twist time around...==''
anyway..wats done is already done..might as well just admit it and live on...
10:26 PM Saturday, October 25, 2008
haiz.. today dun noe why keep putting on a sulky face...
even my mom also scared me...
still ask me wat happen..did she do anything to make me like tat..lol
dun noe la..haiz
from morning until late evening still like giving people those''black face''....
even my dad also try to make me laugh..but still cannot...
so they both leave me alone...
haiz..only until dinner time then better a bit...
not really smilimg but no black face le....
anywhere must say goodbye to my dear frenzs who goin to Japan...
BYE BYE..and hav a nice trip....
ps. remember to take pics..==''
8:34 PM Friday, October 24, 2008
today is damm crazy lo...
skip the stock check and everything..
lets talk abt my lunch
me,brenda,hui xuan,chantelle and fadilah
plus the others when KFC eat...
then after i buy mine..
got a little girl sit beside our table
at first i thought she veri cute lo...
only like 5 yrs old...
then i eat half way..suddenly the little girl come to me leh..
then say..''i wan french fries''...translate from chinese to english
then i stunned...==''
i don even noe who she is..then her mother keep
scolding her..don anyhow go take things
then the little girl keep pestering me lo...so i let her take,...
lol..still thought give her one can leh
she bite 2 mouth liao then come ask me agian..?!?! lol
haiz..scared later come pester me agian..so quickly chum all ...
then take my drinks to another table....
i'm scraed of her...brrrrrXDD
6:59 PM Thursday, October 23, 2008
sian lo today..
hav to wake up at 7.45am..
cause pei karen go take report book..
then lib start at 9am....
so luckily karen hao xin pei wo talk talk lo..XDD
then today was a total drag....
hehe.. the good news was we had pizza for lunch..
the bad news is one person one piece..lol
i mean hello.. i'm a big eater leh...
how can one piece satisfy my appetite..haiz
in the end tiam tiam....
then later go for jap course..lol
again after tat is lib..
from 9am till abt 6.30pm
is super tired de lo...
my leg tired until pain..
haiz.. wat can i do..???? haiz
12:13 PM Wednesday, October 22, 2008
OMG....today report book day..!!!!
super nervous lo..
then haiz..class level get ok-ok..XDD
but don noe level rank...
heard from others....
wahh.... i think my level rank dropped leh..
cause doreen say her two frenzs level rank is somewhere around 2-4..lol
haiz.. feel like crying lo..
then our cher nv tell us level rank lo..2n3 cher got lo...
hmmmm.... so not fair
anyway my results ok-ok bah...==''
8:23 PM Tuesday, October 21, 2008
haiz.. karen no come..so i help her take her things...
and then!!!!!???? smth happen...
pasei arr karen...i kind of forget to take ur things & my things..
and left it at lib...==''
anyway...today just cleaning and arranging...
then after tat.. i went for stock check then go for course..hehe
so tat mean i didn't go for the photoshop..wat a pity..haha
6:25 PM Monday, October 20, 2008
haha.. today nv go sch..lol
then at abt 1pm ++ go sch lib help out for stock check..==''
haiz...quit liao still help..
then abt 2.30pm go my course then
after tat go back lib help out again...
lol... when go back.. saw ms soh...
talk with her..then suddenly she clap her hands then say''welcome back gladys''
i was like huh..!?!?!?!
wat just happen...
then nvm lo..go back lo..no quiting..lol
waste my time and money on the quiting stuff...haiz
sometimes when you lose something,
then you will realise how important it is to you,
otherwise you will just take it for granted..
so quiting lib, makes me realise,
as if i feel empety inside..lol
1:39 PM Sunday, October 19, 2008
sian~.. hav to wake up at 6.45am!!!! on sat..
haiz.. cause hav to bring my grandma to hospital for check-up..
so take mrt to ang mo kio then take bus to hougang...lol
then fetch her liao.. take bus again to go back to ang mo kio mrt..==''
then take mrt to novena..yay.. reach the hospital..
ok-ok la.. quite fast la.. less than 1hr finish checkup
then take mrt back to ang mo kio.. then hehe
cause my grandma very good.. so we sent her to the bus stop then me & mumy take mrt back..lol
actually wanna go ang mo kio hub de..
think think.. haiz dun wan la
so go lot 1
take lunch then shop shop lo..XDD
brought a handphone pouch for mummy for her new phone
then me is a minitoon bag..lol
quite happy la..got benefits..
a little worried cause my grandma quite old..scared she later get lost...==''
so call her..lucky..she at home liao
so she reach home safely..XDD
ya.. really love my grandma..i visit her she still give me $$..haha .. veri happy..XDD
lol..srry.. my post soo many rubbish..=]
8:23 PM Friday, October 17, 2008
today was a drag....
nth to really say..==''
super nervous sia... go see cher..haiz
then talk with cher..ehh.. nt tat sacry leh
quite fun to me.. i still therer laugh..lol
the thinking of reconsidering abt quiting lo...=]
then yipee...hahah... i finally hav my
Japanese Intermediate Courrse...haha
super happy lo,...
but kind of sad cause not the same cher
but a older man who teach....haiz
ok-ok.. i quite lik ehis teaching style..hehe...XDD
5:21 PM Thursday, October 16, 2008
OMG.... today paper are given back.......!!!
well.. haiz... my results are hideous..=[
even my mother also nth to say....
she don noe where to start to scold...
wahhhh... feel sad lo... even my mom also nth to say..
tmr..even worse..need to see a certain person...
sian lo.. lots of stress..
at least tmr got one good new..
haha....i havin my intermediate japanese course..yaya..XDD
i've been waiting like very long..hehe..
i think tats the only thing can cheer me up besides playin 'old maid with my frenzs'
6:09 PM Wednesday, October 15, 2008
haiz.. today was a total dissapointment.,..
thought today go the tea thingy... was suppose to be fun
but was like soo boring...luckily later on
when we brew our own tea..thks to chloe and jing yi 's help...
the tea was actually not bad leh...
also thks to ZD we 4 got free ice-cream..yaya
then we also eat tea egg..yum yum..the egg..ok-ok la..nt bad
haha..tea eggs..yum!!!
woo~ soo cute the tea set..hehe..cost $400..worr..
then when everything finish..we go bach sch and rest before the maths trip
still happily thinking tat the maths trip should be fun....
haiz.. but then it was not fun at all lo...
totally boradom.....lol
there got mosqitoes and is in the forest..ewww
then the games we play also lame lo....
next time if got.. mayb will pon...XDD
5:01 PM Tuesday, October 14, 2008
yay... we today go sci center...XDD
ok-ok la.. quite fun cause then omnia threate not back..hehe.. to yj .. is very yummy lo..XDD
then can anyhow explore.. then we go see the dino.. woo~ scary..not..=]
then anyhow walk with frenzs...
go play one crazy game..haha.. tat one nt bad..press the button until crazy..
later till go buy mc..fish-o-filet..yum yum,,,
then lol..lo.. soo many people...
after everything me, jing yi and chloe go bpp
me and jing yi but the piano wallet... yay..
we been talking abt buying it 2 gather...
then haha.. di come my hse play..
sian lo... i entertain him..haha no la..
he also got make me laugh...
then my mom also nv say anything.. mayb cause di doesn't look like a bad boy..lol
the pic i took at the sci center..haha
woo~ dino.. soo creepy...

haiz.. extinct liao...==''

this is nice leh.. they throw the dry ice into waterand become like tat
my car leh..jkjk
10:02 PM Sunday, October 12, 2008
haiz.. today was suppose to be fun...
we went to west mall to purchase new phone..yay..XDD
then when havin dinner..haiz
someone interfere in to things
why can't she ever get out of my life
why can't she ever give me back the thing i desire the most
why can't she ever get out of my sight
why can't she ever dissapear from my shadows.....
haiz.. b'cuz of this person
i now emo-ing
my day is ruined b'cuz of her.. mood also very bad..==''
i went to bpp lib to borrow some books and..
saw a intersting book..hehe

hehe..chloe .. its ur name..XDD
then sian lo.. spend my sat reading books...and chat with frenzs..lol
9:41 PM Friday, October 10, 2008
today super board...
can't go anywhere.. and no one to talk to
surf the web or watch tv also do until board...
but at nite.. online
haha.. ... got people to talk with..yay
talk with brenda , hui xuan & yong jing..hehe
all add into one conversation..^_^
haha.. there gossiping abt evrything....XDD
so luck.. they got pei wo .. otherwise..haiz...
10:15 PM Thursday, October 9, 2008
haiz.. today veri de sian...spend like half the day talk on the phone..loli tio lock up in my hse..so sian lo... chat with my gan di...then go explore the new starhub cable.. play the tv games[ battleship ]then go install newly brought games..lolthen play whole day with my mother....=]haiz.. 2 moro still need go work..[ help my mom with her job]nvm... quite fun lo.. got manga there can read..haha
8:18 PM Wednesday, October 8, 2008
heyy~.. nice day sia..
hehe.. went for macdonald for breakfast wif mummy.. ..XDD
eat burger..yummy..
lol.. then pack food home .. to eat
my dad.. dun noe why.. dun feel like working today
so watch dvd lo..
then go imm...
yaya... saw lots of cute clothes..but haiz.. no buy
must save money.. now evrything also soo expensive..
[thinking of saving money then go buy]
then stupid lo.. go exchange the starhub thing..
the cable.. wait for like 2 hrs++
me and my parents was like.. wao lao.. soo slow
then veri funny.. a auntie go scold the person loud loud..
'' u'all starhub soo lan [ lousy] the service.. '' '' i rather go for singtel.. stupid!''
then the people there was like..huh?
me and my parents was like laughing..
really lo the starhub people really deserved it..soo slow
when our time was like only 5 min?!?!
wat the hell.. wait so long for this 5 mins...
then go gaint buy some nessarities..
haiz a long day....
11:11 PM Tuesday, October 7, 2008
haha.. today veri funny
yay.. finally exam finish.. now i can regularly post on my blog..lol
there goin to be a story.. pls enjoy..
Tittle: The SM
Karen, my chem and me starting to creat a story call th SM. One day got one old virgin call ***
she has nothing worth to see.. and she is very ugly
she is very sad as she has no breast and no butt at all!
She is fat with lots of hairs around her body
Like th armpit which is a bush of hairs.. no one like her aas she too
cause her ass hole too small.. like a pin
she had try to go geyland before but
cause no man like a bitch like her.. soo cheap..$0.000001 also no one wans
she was so sad tht make her wanna jump dwn from th 50th floor and she had try let areoplane over lap her
seduce old man.. but even them also think she too rotten body.
but fianlly she met an old man near his ninetys, who is goin to die and don mind her
cos he has no wife and no one lik him lik th old virgin
so.. he tried to
the old man got excited and pull out a cucumber and smile at her
"see i got weapon! Get Ready Get SEX Go! shout th old man highly and hornyly
no..no arhhh..!!!!!!....it hurts stop.STOPP!
th old man din care as he was too high something happen
the cucumber suddenly get push into too far and th ass eat up all th cucumber and th old man had high blood pressure , heart attack, blar blar illness...
By: Oxygen & Hydrogen..[ Jejune]
To Be Continued
3:44 PM Monday, October 6, 2008
yay.. Jejune anniversay established..XDD
HAppy Jejune 1st Anniversary
lol... dun feel like typing veri sian...
must study for maths..XDD
5:15 PM Thursday, October 2, 2008
me & b-day karen..[ oops ... i look soo nerd..haiz..nvm]