9:22 AM Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Day 2
So for day 2,we went to city plaza to check what kind of products we would like to sell in our blogshop. we are also ask to take photos of the shop and the products. Apparently the people there are kind of grouchy and they refused to let us take photos of there itmes even though karen and chloe persuaded them.In the end we have to resort to secretly taking them from a distance.Something like snooping around with a killer camera.Of course we did pull off the stunt although some of the salespeople are giving us weird looks.But we did manage to officially take photos of a shop and its all thanks to our teacher,Mdm Ho. The building seem rundown so it really makes me wonder how they can survive in such conditions.They must have some escape routs to ensure them though. Probably because they supply stocks to blogshop thus they have a extra income that way and is not tied to shop completely.
9:06 AM
So yeah went for AEM[Advanced Elective Module]
E-Business Dynamics
Day 1
We are all nervous,as we did not know whats in stored for us. Hey,it turned out pretty good,free sweets and air conditioner to keep us comfortable.
The lectures was kind of boring but still its enriching,
Of course we wouldn't miss out on photo takings.
Here are some:

Yep so this are few of the snapshots taken while we are doing there.
Really enjoy there.
7:44 PM Wednesday, January 20, 2010
gosh~ blog dead for such a loonnnnng~TIME lethinking of closing it..hmm neh keep it as part of my memories..loltoday i'm dead beat..at lib.hiaz aiyo tat *&^% trying to kill me isit..grr hate her lol to those who not the same sec as me..lol won forget u de..XDjust in case u say i forgot u..=pgoin to slepp strgt. my eyes won even open when i'm watchin bleach..
2:29 PM Thursday, December 10, 2009
yep..so my blog is dead ...==''yesterday went wif chloe-jingyi went watch new moon..lolb'cuz of me the dates are delayed..pspsso yeah the movie was great..except for the ending..leaving us in suspenselol..who cares..as long as people read the book they already know wats goin to happen..so yep we went window shopping and taking pics...some include me being seriously unglam..==''not goin to upload though its all in fb..=D........
10:11 PM Monday, November 9, 2009
happy birthday mommy..XDtoday went for cca half day went out and have lunch wif papa & mama..yumyum!then papa drive me back to sch for lib..haiz help jr. buy food so troublesome..==''ohh well..gonna buy cake =/ hehe
1:05 PM Saturday, November 7, 2009
went to jurong nlb for competition..>.<
actualy wan pon de..cuz its at sat..ohh well still nv pon..
so ask papa drive me to cck there meet hx and brenda
then went together..lol soo many sch at there
then ms ong treat us drinks since haven started yet..thks soo much for the drinks..XD
then get set start...we were running here there where..lol
make soo many noise..kay cut short..after tat prize presentation..
i saw the medal is a star..i wann cuz it look kind if nice..gonna take pic and post on facebook..hehe
damn shocked when they anounce we zss get 1st place..=='' omg
super happy sia..hahahaha..XD
gd things keep coming to me this week..
7:40 PM Friday, November 6, 2009
overall summarise..XD since mine blog died for such a long period..==''
my grades..is hmm..nice..XD
also went out wif brenda,hui xuan & kai hui watch'the deadly tsunami' 4stars
well for this week..i went out for 3 times..tues,thrus,fri..hehe
tues went out with karen and jing yi went watch coraline..4.5 stars..its gd
thrus went with brenda and jie run for lunch and took pics..XD
today which is fri..went out wif jing yi,miao yu,doreen,crystal to watch
'my girlfriend is an agent'..5stars full..tat show is a MUST watch de..real super nice sia..XDDD
wish can go out more wif diff friends and have fun..lol